Sunday 31 May 2015

Marc Giai-Miniet

Marc Giai-Miniet, this French artist creates fictional spaces in little boxes. 'Boîtes' in French it just means boxes, but the fascinating worlds and spaces he builds into these boxes grab your attention. Doll houses for adult people having a hang for the old sci-fi stories of the fifties. Marc Giai-Miniet meticulously fills these wonderful spaces with tiny machinery, people and loads of books. The starting point of a story, an experiment or just a factory with an intriguing past. Buildings without a facade to tickle your imagination. 

Saturday 23 May 2015

Paul Wunderlich

There are and were a lot of excellent lithographic artists around, but Paul Wunderlich (1927 - 2010) is by far my favourite one. I met him in 2009 at art gallery Hangar311 in Mechelen, Belgium. Paul Wunderlich was an excellent painter and sculptor as well, but his lithographic work is just outstanding. He combines craftsmanship, fantasy, and irony in his work, often referring to classical mythology and well known classical images he created an impressive body of work. Eroticism played part in his work and in the confiscating of lithographs "qui s'explique" by the Hamburg prosecutor for indecent depictions, in 1960. Paul Wunderlich married photographer Karin Székessy in 1971, they worked together on a couple of art projects.

from the series "qui s'explique"

2 self-portaits (above), and at work (below) Wunderlich appears quite often in his own work

We all know the "Mona Lisa"

after 'Gabrielle d'Estrées and one of her sisters'

From mythology 'Leda and the Swan'

Sunday 17 May 2015

Dr. Woo

Tattoo icon Dr. woo creates some of the most amazing fragile tattoos. A combination of fine artwork and geometric patterns, his designs are fragile and light, and often come with a touch of humor.
Based at the Shamrock Social Club this L.A. artist has a flock of dedicated followers. Follow him on Instagram here.

Images Dr. Woo
Hyper Smash