ADA is an esthetical complex and interactive art-making machine by Karina Smigla-Bobinski. A helium filled floating globe using a complete room as its canvas. As the visitor is challenged to control the charcoal spiked globe creates random patterns and lines all over the room.
Arnd Wesemann writes:
uprose in nowadays spirit of biotechnology. She is a vital
performance-machine, and her paterns of lines and points, get more and
more complex as the number of the audience playing-in encreases. Leaving
traces which neither the artist nor visitors are able to decipher, not
to mention «ADA» herself either. And still, «ADA's» work is unmistakable
potentially humane, because the only available decoding method for
these signs and drawings , is the association which our brain
corresponds at the most when it sleeps: the truculent jazziness of our